first, I worked at the trade center for a RC&D council convention (conservationists across the country, basically)...
I got yelled at, at work for going outside for 5 minutes to pick up my paycheck from MY boss... but because I was working at the trade center, therefore for the trade center, I got unnecessarily bitched at.
After that ordeal, I talked to my mom, which was nice. She's doing better, still recovering from surgery. While I was talking to my mom, and searching for my bike... (my roommates crappy bike) It's nowhere to be found. NOWHERE. I try to call her... nothing. I left a message saying I really needed to talk to her. I locked the bike up with her chain in front of the city building on Bay St. (and Bull).. like I do everyday when I have her bike. Do I feel like I need to repay her? Not really... it wasn't a great bike. It was from target or walmart or equally cheap. rusted. her lock. While I do feel really bad, and it's a shitty thing to have happen, it's honestly not my fault. I didn't steal the bike. Someone else did.
While I was talking to my mom, I told her that for my birthday I could really use a better bike. We've been having trouble for months finding a 20D because they don't make them anymore... and they wanted to find something under $1000. (Which wasn't working.. )
So I went to the bicycle link downtown, but they didn't have my size in the bike I wanted (turns out, the guy had me in a bike too big for me there...) so we went to the southside store. The guy there was so much nicer, much more helpful, and I found a bike. My bike. A Trek 1200. She rides like a dream. I took her for a 5 mile ride tonight because I couldn't wait until the morning.
she is incredible. and amazing. and I'm so excited that I have a bike that works well and that I love to ride.
I got some good lights and a computer for her. I'd like to keep track of the miles, and it's nice to have it on there... especially with the clock. I also got a really good kryptonite lock. U lock with a thick steel cable. I will be wrapping the cable through the quick release tires, and then through the u lock with will cover the frame. go me. and my loving parents. (i know... it's kind of messed up. but they are trying in some ways)