Wednesday, June 21, 2006

new bike...

so... today was quite the ordeal.

first, I worked at the trade center for a RC&D council convention (conservationists across the country, basically)...
I got yelled at, at work for going outside for 5 minutes to pick up my paycheck from MY boss... but because I was working at the trade center, therefore for the trade center, I got unnecessarily bitched at.

After that ordeal, I talked to my mom, which was nice. She's doing better, still recovering from surgery. While I was talking to my mom, and searching for my bike... (my roommates crappy bike) It's nowhere to be found. NOWHERE. I try to call her... nothing. I left a message saying I really needed to talk to her. I locked the bike up with her chain in front of the city building on Bay St. (and Bull).. like I do everyday when I have her bike. Do I feel like I need to repay her? Not really... it wasn't a great bike. It was from target or walmart or equally cheap. rusted. her lock. While I do feel really bad, and it's a shitty thing to have happen, it's honestly not my fault. I didn't steal the bike. Someone else did.

While I was talking to my mom, I told her that for my birthday I could really use a better bike. We've been having trouble for months finding a 20D because they don't make them anymore... and they wanted to find something under $1000. (Which wasn't working.. )

So I went to the bicycle link downtown, but they didn't have my size in the bike I wanted (turns out, the guy had me in a bike too big for me there...) so we went to the southside store. The guy there was so much nicer, much more helpful, and I found a bike. My bike. A Trek 1200. She rides like a dream. I took her for a 5 mile ride tonight because I couldn't wait until the morning.

she is incredible. and amazing. and I'm so excited that I have a bike that works well and that I love to ride.

I got some good lights and a computer for her. I'd like to keep track of the miles, and it's nice to have it on there... especially with the clock. I also got a really good kryptonite lock. U lock with a thick steel cable. I will be wrapping the cable through the quick release tires, and then through the u lock with will cover the frame. go me. and my loving parents. (i know... it's kind of messed up. but they are trying in some ways)

Friday, June 16, 2006

the adventures of partners in crime

I was told to take pictures, so I'm trying. But I'm afraid I'm in a photographic funk... and this funk has lasted since the last class I took. I carry a camera around, and yet nothing comes of it.

Monday, June 12, 2006

now, thanks to and the westboro baptist church,
you too can listen to Fred Phelps' sermons!

they are apparently smart enough to make their own podcasts.

and... because this cracks me up to no end...
they have a page dedicated to the amount of time Diane Whipple (woman who was killed by two dogs) has been in hell. Here's a quote, "Sharon Smith (the dead dyke's lover) and Penny Whipple-Kelly (the dead dyke's guilty, dyke-pimp, mother-from-Hell) need a reality check."

say what...? her dyke-pimp? we have pimps? our mothers are pimps? what?

yeah. reality check. okay.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

there's a whole slew of stuff going on in my head...
I don't really know where to start. But should you like to know, just ask.