Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I have an idea for a photo project, but I can't fully achieve it alone, I don't think...
I might try it this weekend. I have friday off.

I want to do a self portrait study but just of my face. Sarah's work has inspired me a lot,
mostly because it takes a lot for a photographer to look inside themselves and do self portraits.
We as photographers [I think] have this 'always behind the camera, never in front' attitude or perception.

I know that I feel that way, and I would like to do something on it.
I can be vain, and I do take pictures of myself, but they're always posed, and edited and to my liking.
But what if it was many smaller images of parts of your face all put together.
The fine details exposed, every pore, every zit, every blackhead.

we'll see what happens, or what comes out.

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