mother's day weekend. this is my mom and my neice, macie. I am in love with her, and her twin brother Miles. They bring so much happiness in my life just be being them, but my decisions make it a lot harder to see them.
I told my mother I wasn't moving home in september. She doesn't think I know what I'm doing, doesn't think I fully understand what I'm going to go through with this and the debt I'm going to accrue. I'm well aware of what I'm doing. But I'm doing this for my happiness. I do miss hanging out with my family, I miss doing mom-daughter stuff like going to the mall, seeing movies, etc. But I wasn't that person most of the time. I was censoring myself around them.
I miss my childhood, I miss when things were simpler, when I was part of the cool kids' club, but I am not that person. I'm not as materialistic as they are, and my life isn't centered around money. My life is centered around love and happiness. And up here I'm in love, and I'm happy, and I'm starting my life. I know I'm stressed out sometimes about money, and a lot right now, but I am overall happy. Colleen is moving in, in 10 days or so. I'm excited about it. I'm excited about having the woman I love be in the same house, our house. I'm excited about starting my life with her. There is just so much love in our house.
but now, cheesecake. sarah came over for dinner, and we're watching my big fat greek wedding, and eating cheesecake. delicious.
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