i am a pyromaniac at heart, and the fourth of july is my favorite holiday for that reason. I love setting off fireworks. When I was little, I wanted to be a pyrotechnic... I wanted to take chemistry and major in pyrotechnics in college and be a professional fireworks person.
my mom and I played with sparklers, they got the best photos. we set off bottle rockets with the blow torch, and finally my favorite... mortars. They look like the big professional fireworks you see... loud booms into the air followed by a shower of colorful lights. I could watch fireworks for hours and be perfectly content. The chemistry and physics amaze me... I want to know the combination of metals and compounds that make the brilliant red or royal blue...
but this visit wasn't all fun and games. I had a big talk with all of my family members, and decided it was time to make the move. I will be moving to jacksonville in two weeks, for probably about a year or so... I'm not sure how long. maybe less who knows. I'm going to go to school at UNF, get my core classes (art history) out of the way, maybe take religion or something that inspires me, and figure myself out and get grounded. I'm struggling... drowning in financial issues up here right now, and this is a good answer. I'll spend time with my grandparents... they're getting old, especially my gramps. I'll knit with my granny, play hide and seek with the twins, get a good job, and get my life sorted out.
I think it will be good. and you're all invited to come visit, as I will be visiting savannah on a regular basis. colleen and i are still going strong, and we will be as long as we're still madly in love.

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