what have I been doing for the last month?
going crazy with school.
the photo class this semester is digital imaging, which is pretty painless and allows me to spend copious amounts of time staring at my laptop screen, altering, patching, and otherwise messing around in photoshop.
I also went to colorado for a weekend, so I'll be scanning those negatives this weekend, and seeing what good came of my holga in 10 degree weather and fresh snow.
for now, I'll leave you with the two appropriation pieces I turned in last night.
they're big files, so click to the full version.
This first one was the favorite of my professors. Before I added the text (definitions of transition, transformation, and transgender) my mother loved it.
I like this second one better, but only because I think the first can be choppy and I don't know... I like how I composed the second one a little better, the two people interact with each other instead of just being placed in different positions, it works better, I think.

I created a third, but it didn't go along with the theme as well, so I'm leaving it out.
I'll try to update more frequently from now on, I need to get back into the swing of things and doing more photography and getting inspired, but I feel such a large lack of it right now.
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